Year: 2022
Year: 2022
Child care at TAFEVC
Many TAFE Institutes offer childcare facilities, 48-50 weeks per year, to children aged three months to five years. Numbers in childcare at any given Institute range from 25 to 80 children. Childcare is available to full-time and part-time students and, on an occasional basis, to students attending workshops and seminars on-campus.
Childcare hours are generally 7.45am to 5.45pm. Centres provide qualified and experienced staff, nutritional meals, individually-oriented developmental programs, family- and age- grouping activities, parenting rooms and childcare assistance (fee relief according to income and, from some TAFEs, Institute-subsidised fees).
Security arrangements are usually on a sign-in/sign-out basis and there are security entrance codes for parents and doorbells for visitors. Some TAFE Institutes are accredited by the National Childcare Accreditation Council.…
TAFE Online Courses
Browse the Catalogue of courses to enrol now!
All courses within the TAFE VC are available from registered providers.
Submit an application to enrol in any module shown in the Courses catalogue.
Student Guide
Using the Internet
Student guide
(You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to read this document.)
This guide introduces students to the TAFE VC. It provides instructions on:
- how to get set up to study online;
- logging into the TAFE Virtual Campus;
- communicating with your teachers and other students;
- using the learning resources; and
- undertaking assessments in the TAFE Virtual Campus.
Download the document in easy-to-access html format here.
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Using the Internet
Presented by SOFWeb (an initiative of the Victorian Department of Education, Training and Employment), ‘Using The Internet’ is designed to provide you with information on all aspects of the Internet, including how to download files, use email, publish your own web pages with special information on video conferencing, newsgroups, chatting, images on the web and how to use them in your web pages, the art of netiquette and taking care of yourself and your work on the internet, how to use the Internet for research and much more.…
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