Child care at TAFEVC
Child care at TAFEVC
Many TAFE Institutes offer childcare facilities, 48-50 weeks per year, to children aged three months to five years. Numbers in childcare at any given Institute range from 25 to 80 children. Childcare is available to full-time and part-time students and, on an occasional basis, to students attending workshops and seminars on-campus.
Childcare hours are generally 7.45am to 5.45pm. Centres provide qualified and experienced staff, nutritional meals, individually-oriented developmental programs, family- and age- grouping activities, parenting rooms and childcare assistance (fee relief according to income and, from some TAFEs, Institute-subsidised fees).
Security arrangements are usually on a sign-in/sign-out basis and there are security entrance codes for parents and doorbells for visitors. Some TAFE Institutes are accredited by the National Childcare Accreditation Council.